Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Follow-Through

As you may remember, I told you about this little problem of huge consequence, my trouble with follow through.  Well, I am just going to post a quick update, as my arms are killing me and typing is increasingly difficult with little blood in my hands!

I tried, three days ago, to find a video on Youtube of Jillian Michaels doing her thang, and found a 6 min video posted.  While all the other videos that came after were deleted by the Youtube powers that be, I realized pain very quickly anyway! Squats are not fun!! And yes it is true she is hard on you, but that's probably why she's so popular and so good at the is what we want right?

Then I searched around plenty on Youtube and found a full workout video by the very sweet Zuzana at the blog site...and have found IT!!  New workouts every other day, food helps, articles, photos, videos, and its all free!!!!  Nice!  and so far i haven't had to work out longer than 15 mins...technically...I am so damn out of shape that I can't finish the whole fact i could barely finish one "burpee" or "dive bomber" push-up three nights ago when i tried it out...and now i have done three nights in a row and have finally, and vereeeee painfully ,finished one of each...I am proud of myself and in serious pain!  I have been hobbling up and down the stairs for two days now...the thighs are killer!! not to mention the arms....i have a hard time with the push ups even the easy on the knees style. i had to modify the modified push-ups to the point that i may have looked like a seal or walrus trying to lift herself to a standing position!

Well, as I was trying to say, I am following through!  I am moving my Not-Too-Fat Ass and working up a sweat (EW!) and raising my heart rate for a little while....we'll see what happens when I can actually handle more than ! of each move before collapsing in a stupor!


Rachelle said...

Hey Girl!

You've got to get over your aversion and learn to embrace the sweat. It is your bodies way of telling you "I'm uncomfortable. You're shaking me out of my stagnant state". Which is exactly what you need to finally push past the feeling of pain and blahs.

I may not subscribe to the same philosophies as you do as you go on your journey, but I see a lot of myself in your ponderings. I'll try to comment whenever you need a litle help, but know that you aren't alone in your desires, dreams, pain, and thoughts!

Anonymous said...

I am feeling pretty rough today too. i did a strollersize and my theighs kill!.
so glad you found something that is free. I am so tired of these stupid classes and intro classes that are just a money grab.!

good for you dear! I am so happy you are sticking with it. keep sticking with it. incorporate it into your daily routine or else it will get fadded out of your life. great job and keep it up!