Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My Third Birth Story

I can't believe how long it's been!  I wanted to spare all of you loyal readers the day to day tirade of pregnancy, hence the lack of posts.  When all you are thinking about is baby and delivery there seems to be no point in trying to come up with something clever for an original post idea.

However, I thought I would get this last post on what seems to be a a series of birth stories coming from me and I swear it will be the last!  It is a short story though, as I didn't have any of the nightmare situations come to me as they did the first and second time around!  Thank whomever!!

I was chatting up a storm with my homeschooling-Mom friends and was completely convinced that the best way to NOT have another nightmare was to "hire" a midwife.  Here in Ontario midwives are completely covered by the OHIP medical coverage that enables us free medical care.  Yippee!!  After some minor research I found an office that had literally just opened in my area of town that week!  Even better!  They had been working out of a West-end office and had been midwives for years!  Hallelujah!  They convinced my hubby of their credentials, who then helped me try to convince my in-laws....which were never convinced of the safety of this "method", oh well...to bad so sad! 

I had a different pregnancy this time compared to the last two in that I was the traditional basketball belly bearing mom!  How exciting!  Yes, I can be considered a sadist, I thoroughly enjoyed the swelling, the difficulty in tying my winter boots(and even being able to put them on at all) , the lack of closing jackets, and even the repulsions of certain foods that drove my hubby nuts!
But, other then that...all was incredible!

After searching through my friend Nancy's website:  www.yourbirthcoach.com I realized there were incredible options that I had never known before!  I decided then and there that I was going to have a home birth.  In fact I wanted a water birth.  Yup, a great big pool in my living room.  I was even contemplating renting my friends pool, which was in fact a horse trough! Heehee...Try to get the In-laws on board now!!

May 7th started very early for me....430 am in fact.  My midwife came by around 6 am and found me in the bath tub.  I am so very happy that I hadn't rented any tubs or pools for this process because I was incredibly uncomfortable in the water.  Not nauseated per se, but slightly dizzy by the sloshing around the water was doing.

I will spare the intimate details, but we had our third baby boy at 845 am on May 7th....the day AFTER my birthday, at home with  my family with me.  I was relaxed, happy and fully in charge to what was happening to me and around me.  I can't tell you how much that has made the difference for my recovery.  It is now 9 weeks later and I am coping better than I ever have before, even with all the lack of sleep! 

How??  It helps to know what my weaknesses are. 

I know that I can't take care of everything and everyone right away. I know that there are things that are just not going to get done today, and I have given myself permission to let it go until tomorrow or the next day.  I have given myself permission to feel the emotions that are inevitable (especially for two bouts of post-partum depression teach you alot about yourself), and because of that permission those emotions are not being fought against, held back or ignored (which makes them worse in the end).  I have also given myself permission to ask for help and not be ashamed or embarrassed for it. 

Now that I have that off my chest, on to another adventure....because I am not busy enough!

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