Saturday, October 6, 2012

My Morning Rant~A.K.A My Quest to change body image

As a mom, we run into many open opinions, comments and observations by friends, family, and even complete strangers.

It starts with the moment our first baby belly starts to show.  People offer advice, misguided or otherwise, and seem to think you belong to everyone, hence the belly touching.

Then you get more unsolicited advice, more pawing and ogling after the baby is born and you finally venture out in the world.

This is where my rant reallly begins.  I appreciate the comments of 'how beautiful' or 'so cute', but how about the awful comments?  Hmm?? 

Yes, they do actually exist and they always come with a smile, a cooing of somekind and the person speaking to your child as though you knew it wasn't directed at you and something you were doing wrong in their opinion.

The comments of 'my aren't you a chunky one' and 'you must be a big eater' or 'that's an interesting way to do...'

Listen up people, this world is hard, harsh and difficult enough without cramming your body image problems into the lives of growing, innocent babies and children!

Can anyone wonder how eating disorders start at such young ages???  They don't learn to criticize themselves without help.

So, if y'all don't mind....leave my baby alone...he is not chunky...and so what if he eats well, he's supposed to grow 2 to 3 feet in two years!  He needs the energy to keep up!

And on that note everyone should leave all children alone about their is the parents(caregivers) job to make sure their diet is healthy, not everyone else's.  Open comments are no business of anyone else.

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