Thursday, August 22, 2013

School planning- part two

Alright, math will be relatively easy/ straight forward....each has an hour of one on one tutoring time with me, our visual math dictionary, and whatever manipulatives they need, as i've got plenty!

Let's just hope baby cooperates with my time managing methods to get this accomplished!

I have devised a unit study for Chet to learn about nursery rhymes.  Our first unit will be Little Bird.  So, there will be a lot of bird projects, writing practice, cutting and pasting and colouring. We will then pick a bird to learn about and create a poster board to highlight interesting facts. There are also 1-2 minute cartoons on youtube for a bunch of rhymes so it'll be fun to see it another way.

Language learning will be done at home this year using the free program from in hungarian as this is my hubby's family heritage. We will also be using our hungarian/ english dictionary and the hand full of picture books we already own....hmmm maybe a new one would be good, maybe one where we can also own it in english for context.

Chet will also be receiving half hour reading lessons from Hooked on phonics kits from chapters. They do really work well for him after enjoying phonics cartoons from leapfrog.

For group work we will be doing exercises from crime scene who dunnits, dr.dooriddles, and some comprehension detective assignments. Alexwill do more detailed assignments from the comp.detectives on his own.

I have a writing assignment book called 1001 writing projects, that i haven't yet decided on how often it should be done. They only take about 15 minutes to do, so i wonder if Alex already has too much to do to use this every day or every second day.

It's hard to decide how their work load "feels". Is it sparse, too busy, too long, too easy? I mayjusthavetotryit as it is for now and wait and see.

As i only want to plan for september to see how everything plays out i won't worry too much, i can edit or add in october.

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