Monday, August 29, 2011

Who My Hubby Would Leave Me For

There are times in every couples lives where the conversation comes up about who they would leave you for.  Be it for one night or for a lifetime, does that really matter? 
The point is there is some kind of fame fascination that leaves a person wanting more.  And usually the conversation also falls into permissiveness about this because the likelihood of it actually happening is slim, or so we hope.

So, gleefully, I admit that my hubby would leave me, be it for a night or not, for the awesomeness of Pink. That is one woman he says he would never close the door or kick out of his bed for eating cookies. 

So who would you leave your partner for if you ever had that chance?

I would have a tough time answering that, but I may have to say Gordon Ramsay.  However, if Pink came to my door with her super sexy hubby, Carey Hart, well now that is a whole other ball game!!

Yup, my attraction to tattooed, and pierced muscle men has not changed only lessened in severity.  But all in good fun, seriously who would YOU leave your partner for, and do you know your partner's answer??

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