Monday, May 2, 2011


     Many of you have been following me, sort of.  You read what I have to say and keep to yourselves. Even when I ask for you opinions, I tend to get none. So, I will keep trying, and I will keep on writing my random thoughts because I am attempting to discover me, remember?  And I am attempting to discover how to keep me sane, while I also discover what it is I want.

     So, you may want to have an update about My First Ever Decision!  I have gone to the gym less than I count on one hand.  Remember the post about follow through issues??   But, in case it sounds like I am giving myself permission to use excuses for not going to the gym, this time I really did have a seriously good reason....a kidney infection.  It doesn't sound so bad but it felt terribly painful to move.  Even now after the meds are finished it is still slightly tender, maybe now it is bruised. I did leave the damned thing to go from a urinary tract infection in October, to a bladder infection in December, to slight pains growing until serious enough to warrant a visit to the doctor only three weeks ago.....\Damnit...there's a follow through issue too, huh?  

Anyway, I thought that I would chat about my weighty issue....should I workout now or wait until next year?  Yes, you can laugh right now, because it sounds ridiculous to admit to procrastinating without even trying to lie about it.  You see, I want to have another baby, hopefully a girl. And we are working on that sooner rather than later, my clock is ticking!!...and the boys are 8 and 4, I don't want to wait much longer!  I tease my hubby that I want to be like the Duggar's (insert evil laugh now) I am not as patient or centered, although I have grown immensely in the last 8 years, I also know that I don't consciously want to be pregnant into my forties. So, that don't leave me much time!  Exaggerating a little bit as this Friday, May 6th, I will be turning 32..

I thought that I would add one of those "before" pictures of me in work out gear in the hopes that I could seriously add some public humiliation to the simmering embers of motivation.  The only thing I did differently in my "before" picture is I actually smiled.  Those nasty, moping, brooding "before" pictures of all those people who lose hundreds of pounds, or just 20, make the "after" pictures look even better. But how can it not look better, from a home camera with bad lighting, to figure flattering clothes, colours, make-up and a professional photographer?  But I thought that if I were to do my own "before and after' I would definitely need to smile.  No, It's not pretty, It's not perfect, It's me.  I am not healthy, I have no child like energy or endurance, and I hate shopping for clothes. 
So, while this pic was shot in February, not a thing has changed!

And there's one more thing.....who can I get a killer bod, have my three kids, and not sweat???(I hate sweating)


Anonymous said...

Let me start off by saying you have alot of courage by posting that picture! I didn't know it was possible for anyone else to feel the way I do! I think you will get their it will just take time that's the hard part to under stand! You need to figure ur self out befor u can congour another task! We can only ever take one step at a time! Once you find out what u want you will see achieve it just like you have with makeing your own body stuff and home schooling. You just have to keep going on this path and I'm sure getting j. Shape will be the next step. But I'd have the baby and then work out because you would be taking a step back rather then forward!! Some times it's hard to find time for your self but you must do so or u will lose ur self and it's so hard to get back. Good luck love!!

Anonymous said...

Let me first and foremost say, Sylvie you are absolutely stunning! Even in this moment, the moment where you decided to strip your emotions down to nothing, to showing your beauty in self, personality and in spirit. You will get all that you desire and more! Just put yourself on that path. Everytime you feel that drop of sweat, think "this is getting me closer to my goal". Don't look at it as though "I hate sweating" look at it as though "sweating is getting me to where I want to be". All this to say, follow your heart, it will never lead you astray. As for working out prior to getting pregnant. I don't see a problem with that. It would help you emotionally before, during and after your pregnancy. You'll find that your energy levels have lifted and you will see yourself in great light. Don't give up on yourself. You are worth it! ♥me

Sara said...


As mom, it is so hard to take the time and find the energy to take care of yourself but it is so important. The happier you are, the happier your family is. Also, exercise releases 'happy hormones', which should make the baby makin' that much more fun ;)

Full disclosure, I don't take care of myself. At all. I've had four babies in 5 years and haven't lost any weight. I weigh more now than I did when I gave birth 5 months ago. This is the first time in my life that I am coming close to hating myself. I know that I would be happier and a better wife and mother if I could get off my sorry butt and exercise and diet but it just hasn't happened yet.

Feel free to fb me if you want someone to chat/vent with or if you need a workout buddy!

Rachelle said...

Do not put of working out now. What good would that do to you once you are pregnant? Once you got that plus sign on a POAS, would you stop eating healthy food and become a couch potato?

Increased physical activity will most likely lead to an easier pregnancy, healthier baby, and quicker turn around once the baby is born.

And yes, losing weight has been shown to increase fecundity in women.