Thursday, March 17, 2011

Admitting a horrible day

I would like to admit to having had a bad day.

Sure i have those often and in fact I have had a bad few weeks when you look at how many anxiety attacks I've had and bouts of roller coaster depression. yahoo. fun. times.

But today was different, my DH decided it was time to go shopping.  for me.  sigh.  i hate shopping.   i hate my weight and going shopping reminds me of that problem and i hate spending money to accommodate that problem.  Not to mention the fact that I don't feel that I qualify for 90% of the "styles" the store carries now for spring, they are either too young or too old both of which are inappropriate.
       I didn't feel that I had too bad a problem, i mean i spent the last two years wearing size 10 or 12 from Ricki's. However, having worked there for 6 months a while back I should know better than to let that "good feeling" go to my head.   You see, Ricki's has lied to the world about sizing, but in our favour! Which i can understand to be a good thing, but if you see something you like in another store, you'll have to go bigger.

So, my uncomfortable shopping trip turned worse, because I had to shop in one of "those" stores.  you know the ones, where instead of snooty sales people who are too skinny for words and look at you like you don't belong in "their" clothes, instead you get the girl with the warm fuzzies about "helping" you find "something" that fits with that tone of voice, the side tilting nod of the head (like they are thinking you poor thing your just like me)  and then she proceeds to give you the items that she's wearing in 4x and want you to look just like her!!

Well, i am in the x size category and 14 pant size, but when the store sales girls are all of the 4x variety and treat you with that oh how sad behaviour i want to whip out my wrist and start gnawing on it.  i didn't want to go back to that store ever again, but since realizing the Ricki's clothes, while nice pretty and trendy, last all of two months before dying and stinky painful death i didn't want to spend another 39.99 for one shirt, so my options....the plus size store. fuck in hell. 

to make matters worse my DH and two sons (who both had a fever and weren't feeling well) were along for the show.  yahoo. fun. times.

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