Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Do I Have Wrinkles?

http://bit.ly/ggW9yS  This blog posting has me wondering.....Do I have wrinkles??  I know that I certainly have grey hair that I have to cover up more and more often than I used to!!!  But wrinkles...come on!!

Who in the world has wrinkles at 31!!!   The Babe, surely cannot actually have wrinkles too?!!!!??!?

What is the world coming to?  I have to admit that I am thrown for a loop...I mean I am still in my twenties!!  At least I think that way (even though I feel older)....Have you ever noticed that when you look at other Moms you feel like they are older than you, and they have it together better?  Or just that they are older and your just a young mommy.  Sometimes I have felt that when in the company on other Homeschooling Moms that I am not as old as they are (and maybe even feel that it makes me not fit in??)

It is late, I am not thinking straight, my thoughts are scattered and incoherent...my apologies.  I will probably delete this posting tomorrow....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i feel the same way. we just has us some spunk! i have found a few extra gray hairs, and now i feel like i need to put some avocado on face tonight for the wrinkles before they start comming in. But the winter's here are very dry so my skin is hurtin' a real bad! I am glad you posted this- don't erase it. i entered the babes contest- now you have more competition! lol