Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Law of Attraction??

I know all of you have probably heard of The Law of Attraction before.  There has been a lot of hype about it in recent years.  With good reason too, there is something to this...I know there is.  But no, if you were thinking this was going to be a post about my attraction story then you are mistaken.  I have read this book though.  I am trying to implement the strategies that the author has made so very clear.  Maybe I am still a little skeptical.

I saw The Secret.  I have seen Jack Canfield in person at a convention.  I have even read his book on the Success Principle's.  I have been through many sources from Joe Vitale, even though his websites felt like flashy advertisements I read anyway trying to ignore all the highlighted texts. I am also reading two books from Dr. Wayne Dyer: Excuses Begone!: How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits; The Shift: Taking Your Life from Ambition to Meaning

 I have also read a great book by a little known author named Pat Davis, her book is called The Miracle of Intention: Defining Your Success  She is the CEO of a company I used to work.

I keep "learning" about the intent and belief that I have the power to create the life I want, and to attract the life I want to me. BUT.  There it is.  A tiny word that is so huge in the landscape of my life and my world that it holds me prisoner in unhappiness, dissatisfaction, unfulfillment.  BUT.  There it is again. Of all the best selling books that these amazing authors and teachers are writing, why can't they write about the power of BUT!

Now I am basically introducing you to the reason I started this particular blog.  I am writing about the unbearable power of but, in the hopes that I may actually attract to me the life I really need to be completely happy, satisfied and fulfilled.  This is the journey I have started to do all those things for the |Three Women that live inside me!

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