Thursday, February 24, 2011

Power of The Vision Board

I have been considering buying this book.  I have seen John Assaraf on The Secret, inspirational movie, and thought it was a brilliant idea.  I have tried the Facebook application that does this online, however, there were many problems. 
  The reason I am bringing this up is as I was cleaning out things from our underbed storage, and subsequently throwing things away, I found old posters that I made when I was a teenager and aspiring to become a model.  Yes, another one of the things that I did not follow through with. 
   Anyway, my point is that each poster I made was with pictures clipped out of fashion magazines.  The inspiration was to collect pictures of models wearing clothes that I liked, hair styles, jewelery, make up colours, and models that I admired for their looks and body types.  I did have some serious issues during that time about my body, but I won't get into that now.
  My point is that as I was looking at these old posters today, I saw styles that have become a part of my fashion history already.  A pair of satin pants that looked like jeans-had those.  Satin skirts- did that.   Evening gowns-did that.  Funky shoes-did that....although I would never have predicted my bright red Fluevogs! (which I will NEVER get rid of)  Anyway, my point is that in my teenage years I desired these "things" and in my twenty's after having forgotten all about it, actually had a lot of them in my closet at some point.   I know it is superficial, but the point of realising this is very clear.
    Vision boards do may just take a little longer to come true than we originally want. 
So, after I write that fricken-damned list I will spend some time with the magazines at Chapters and create a board of my own.  I think it would be a good thing for my hubby to do, too. 

Have you done a Vision Board or something similar?  Let me know about it, and if you have found it to come true for you.


Anonymous said...

I have not done one myself, but I have a friend back in V town that did a few and really enjoyed them. I never got into them in much detail with her, I thought it was a personal thing and well i just didn't ask. I remember her talking about them and saying that they helped her visualize what she wanted in her life and helped her try to attain it by having a clear focus. It is great idea.
mags at chapters? they will let you just cut them up?

Unknown said...

No of course not!! but if I find a magazine or three that have more pics that I like then I will buy them...then take them apart!