Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Who Am I

There is this idea that in order to change your life for the better, you need to know who you are; right now.

True Enough!

You can't get to where you want if you don't know where you've been or where you came from or where you are right now!  So I guess, for fun, I will give an introduction about who I am.

     I am Sylvie.  I am 31 years old.  Wife to one and Mother to two boys.  I am sometimes quiet and introspective and introverted, however, I am also loud, opinionated and sociable.  Make s no sense, really.  Except when you understand that I like what I like when I like it.  A.K.A. Stubborn.
     But, I am loving, caring and friendly.  And feisty, but I have calmed down some since I have Settled into my position as the backbone of this family.
     Yes, there are days when I feel overwhelmed, and stressed out.  And there are even days when I wonder what happened to "me"?  When did Me-Sylvie- become Mom and only Mom?  Where did the rest of "Me" go off too?  Why didn't she stick around?  There's room, Right????

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Hi Sylvie!

I am Jennifer a 32 something single female struggling to find her place in this big world. I am not a mother, but hope to be one day. I am not a wife, again, hopeful for the future. I am however, a generous, loving, compassionate, empathetic, intolerant to BS, a family woman nonetheless, a loving friend. With all of these positive things and my successes (along with failures) thus far have left me lost and feeling alone. Struggling to find my place on uneven ground.

With all this to say, my friend, my old friend, my "new" friend, my forever are not alone! I hope that you achieve all that you seek in your life. You are a beautiful and strong and independent woman, mother, wife, friend. That alone is powerful!

Keep up the great work :) I'm happily awaiting your next story
